The Offset command makes parallel copies of objects. In this video, you learn how to use the Offset command with curved and straight objects, as well as how to use the command's Multiple, Undo, Layer, Erase, and Through options. More..
Arrays make copies of objects in rectangular or polar patterns. In this video, you learn how to use the Array command and its many options to generate copies of objects in rows, columns, and circular patterns. More..
Layers are a powerful way to organize information in drawings. You place similar kinds of entities on their own layers, such as all doors on a DOOR layer or stairs on a STAIRS layer. This lets you to two actions: change their properties as a group (such as color or linetype), and turn unneeded layers on and off. More..
When drawings contain many layers -- and some can contain thousands of them, nanoCAD helps you control them through filters, groups, and states. Filters reduce the length of layer names by showing those that match only certain criteria, such as the same color or similar name. Groups create subsets of layers, such as all those related to text; you can then toggle the display of the group independently of all other layers. States save the state of the properties of layers, such as all colors set to black. In this video, you learn how to use the Layer command to create and use filters, groups, and states. More..
nanoCAD provides a dozen commands that let you manipulate layers and entities on the layers in specific manners. In this video, you learn how to do the following functions:. More..
Text gives you information about parts of drawings, such as in dimensions, tables, notes, and tile blocks. In this video, you learn how to work with text, such as changing the style and height, and editing the wording of text. You also learn how to perform spell checks, change the case, width, and angle of text, and toggle it back and forth between regular and contour outlines (quick text). More..
nanoCAD has a text editor that works just like a word processor, called MText. In this video, you learn how to place paragraphs of text and then how to format them, such as by bold facing and changing colors. As well, you learn about changing the bounding box of mtext, moving it, changing justification, and more. More..
The look of text is controlled by styles, which operate exactly the same as in word processing software. In this video, you learn how text styles work, and then how to create a new style using the Style command. In addition, you learn how to override the style, as well as how the text's insertion point affects its justification in the drawing. More..
Notes are used to make callouts that point to areas of drawings. A note (or callout) is a piece of text that uses a leader line to point to the item of interest. In this video, you learn how to use the Note command to place callouts, edit them, and create reusable callout styles. More..