nanoCAD’s 3D Solid Modeling module extends the nanoCAD platform with direct and parametric modeling. It is designed to construct 3D assemblies with 3D constraints and xrefs, and to handle sheet metal modeling.
Download nowThe nanoCAD platform is the ultimate tool for creating, editing, validating, sharing, and managing CAD models. It switches instantly between ribbon and classic styles of the CAD interface so that you can start working with it right away. nanoCAD supports all active versions of DWG, the world’s most popular format for storing CAD drawings - right up to today's DWG 2018 and all the way back to DWG R11. Registered nanoCAD users always receive technical support free.
nanoCAD 24 provides you with a full set of basic and advanced design tools for creating and editing 2D/3D objects. It offers multiple drawing and editing methods for most geometric elements.
nanoCAD 24 comes with a complete set of design tools for both basic and advanced projects to help you create and edit 2D/3D objects with ease. It lets you draw and modify most geometric objects in multiple ways. Learn more about the features.
nanoCAD makes 3D objects semi-transparent during editing to make it easier to see and position them in space. The visual effect is available during the Move and 3dMove, Rotate and 3dRotate, Scale, Stretch, and Mirror commands, as well as while editing 3D objects with grips, and during commands that involve dragging and dropping.
In model space with visual styles that support shading, the model is illuminated with one or two light sources behind the viewer and moves with the viewpoint, so that objects are always clearly highlighted. In addition, users can define custom light sources based on the properties of point lights, spot lights, web lights, and a distant light.
nanoCAD opens, displays, and edits 3D point cloud files captured by laser scanners in LAS, BIN, PTS, PTX, PCD, and XYZ formats.