Specialized software for processing 3D scanning data

nanoCAD 3DScan is a specialized software tool for processing 3D scanning data, addressing engineering and informational challenges in areas like geodesy, mechanical engineering, construction, infrastructure, and metrological monitoring.

3DScan for laser scanning data processing

3D scanning is essential for analyzing the shape and position of real-world objects in fields like design, industrial modernization, topography, and construction.

nanoCAD 3DScan offers a robust set of tools for working with point clouds, addressing a wide range of challenges in data processing:

  • Initial analysis and processing of 3D scan data
  • Point cloud classification and segmentation
  • Generation of Digital Surface Models (DSM) and Digital Elevation Models (DEM)
  • Layer-by-layer vectorization and floor plan creation
  • Detection of geometric shapes and complex systems
  • Area and volume calculations

Key features

Classifying and verifying ground

An algorithm for automatic ground identification, complemented by a ground verification command that allows for manual refinement of automatically classified points.

Classifying and verifying ground

Classifying points and establishing named views

An extensive toolkit and parameters are available for the automatic classification of terrain and other categories based on specified criteria.

Layer-by-layer vectorization and floor plan generation

Layer-by-layer vectorization and floor plan generation

Automatic construction of multiple sections of point clouds at specified intervals, followed by their vectorization and the generation of raster images.

Creation and editing of 3D meshes

Creation and editing of 3D meshes

The command conducts 3D triangulation of volumetric object point clouds, creating meshes that can be used for triangulating buildings and other surface structures.

Global searching for features

Global searching for features

The command identifies basic geometric shapes (plane, sphere, cylinder, cone, torus) within a point cloud.

Comparison of point clouds

Comparison of point clouds

The tool enables evaluation of the degree of alignment between two point clouds or between a point cloud and a model.

Registering point clouds by reference points with error control

Registering point clouds by reference points with error control

Mutual orientation of multiple point clouds enables registration to identify transformation parameters for any number of reference point groups. Two techniques are employed: pairwise and iterative.

  nanoCAD Platform as a base

3DScan expands the capabilities of the nanoCAD Platform by:

  • Simultaneously using ideal vector CAD models and unstructured real-world data;
  • Providing a hybrid representation of real-world data with annotations of ideal geometry;
  • Enhancing standard CAD geometry with semantics and parameters derived from the real world;
  • Enabling the creation of fully specific objects based on real-world information, etc.

  Topoplan module as an additional feature

Topoplan module expands functions of 3DScan by:

  • Digital Terrain Model creation (TIN creation);
  • Creating a survey plan;
  • Preparation for printing;
  • Measurements archieving;
  • Transformation to default coordinates;
  • Volumes and areas calculation;
  • Surfaces texturing, etc.

Flexible licensing

  • 1-year subscription to get started right away at minimal cost.
  • 3-year subscription gives a perpetua license and full support and upgrades for 3 years
  • Workstation license can be used on a single computer and cannot be transferred.
  • Network license can be used on any computer on the local network.
  • Trial License allows to use nanoCAD 3DScan and nanoCAD Platform with all modules for 30 days for free.


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